Friday, May 25, 2007

Balancing act or out of balance?

In Meredith Farkas' blogpost today she references another librarian's (Librarian in Black) posting regarding presence on social networking sites. She has created a profile on 7 sites and complains about not having the time to keep up with posting to all of them. Personally, I don't understand her need to create all these accounts or her need to update them constantly. Ever hear of "less is more"? I worry that many in my profession have become slaves to proving they are capable of tackling every single new "Web 2.0" toy out there. When do they take time to have a life that doesn't include working all the time? How do they get the work at their library done? Where I work there are so few of us that I have to slot in my time to keep up with emerging technology, etc.-- and I don't get to that every time I schedule it either! I still believe that work and home need separate space and time.

Monday, May 21, 2007

CIL highlights

These presentations were noteworthy for me:

Meredith Farkas spoke about building collaboration, communication and community online. Her blog is Information Wants To Be Free.

Nicole Engard of Jenkins Law Library spoke about her library's use of intranet-based blogs and wikis for project management and documentation. Her blog is What I Learned Today. See her posting about "The Future of the Catalog" presentation with Tim Spaulding of LibraryThing and Roy Tennant.

David Lee King gave an excellent presentation on Guiding Libraries & Info Pros through Change.

Just try to keep up

Steven Bell's Keeping Up website is well-known by librarians. In a recent post on the ACRL blog, Steven admits that it is even getting hard for him to keep up these days!